Acupuncture uses very fine sterile needles, which are inserted into points along meridians (channels), promoting the body’s natural healing response to restore balance. Electro acupuncture (using a small electrical impulse) can be used for muscular skeletal injuries or for pain.
Scientific based research has shown how acupuncture can be used to treat many 21st century health conditions,
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
TCM herbal medicine, has been used for centuries to treat all manner of ailments.
The use of herbal medicine is regulated by the RCHM in conjunction with other herbal medicine organizations to maintain a high standard of clinical care and research.
Nutritional Support
‘We are what we eat’, or to put in another way ‘we are what we put in our mouths’.
I support a nutritional therapy based on eating well and when needed using supplementation.
Wellbeing & Self Care
Staying healthy is just as important as restoring health. Book 5 sessions to boost your energy and maintain wellbeing, using individual or a combination of therapeutic techniques. The program can be built around your needs, and can be extended.